Mr. Jongyun Byun
Ph.D. Student
He aspires to become an expert in hydroinformatics, specializing in handling and processing various types of data in the field of hydrology. His primary interest lies in developing image-based rainfall estimation algorithms that have the potential to replace traditional observation devices. Additionally, he is focused on creating fusion algorithms for hydrological and meteorological data, particularly in the integration of remote sensing data and numerical weather prediction models using machine learning techniques. His goal is to efficiently extract and utilize the features of these datasets. In the future, he aims to contribute to the digital-twin domain by merging and analyzing large-scale hydrological and meteorological datasets. Ultimately, he hopes to play a role as a technician who supports the resolution of broader societal challenges through advanced data analysis and integration.

Sep. 2024 – Present
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Course, Korea University
Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
Major: Water & Ecosystems (under supervision of Prof. Changhyun Jun)
Mar. 2023 – Aug. 2024
(dropout & transfer) / Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Course, Chung-Ang University
Department of Civil Engineering
Major: Water Resources and Coastal Engineering (under supervision of Prof. Changhyun Jun)
Sep. 2021 – Feb. 2023
Master of Engineering (M.E.), Chung-Ang University
Department of Civil Engineering
Major: Water Resources and Coastal Engineering (under supervision of Prof. Changhyun Jun)
Title of M.E. Thesis: A Study on CCTV Image Data Pre-processing Techniques for Improving Accuracy in CNN-based Rainfall Intensity Estimation Model
Mar. 2016 – Aug. 2021
Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Chung-Ang University
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Urban Design and Studies, College of Engineering
Major: Civil Engineering (under supervision of Prof. Changhyun Jun)
Title of B.S. Thesis: Method for Precipitation Prediction based on Regression Analysis and Machine Learning