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Journal Paper

Last Updated: 24 January 2025

Journal Paper (SCIE)

  • [102] Eini, N.; Janizadeh, S.; Bateni, S.M.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Heggy, E.; Kirs, M. Predicting Equilibrium Scour Depth Around Non-Circular Bridge Piers with Shallow Foundations Using Hybrid Explainable Machine Learning Methods. Results Eng. 2024, 103492, DOI: 10.1016/j.rineng.2024.103492 (publication date: 2024.11.24.)

  • [101] Cha, H.; Baik, J.; Lee, J.; Na, W.; Bateni, S.M.; Jun, C. (corresponding author) Generation of Rainfall Scenarios Based on Rainfall Transition Probability to Determine Temporal Distribution of Independent Rainstorms. Stoch. Environ. Res. Risk Assess. 2024, 1–19, DOI: 10.1007/s00477-024-02844-7 (publication date: 2024.11.13.)

  • [100] Parisouj, P.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Bateni, S.M.; Heggy, E.; Band, S.S. Daily Runoff Forecasting Using Novel Optimized Machine Learning Methods. Results Eng. 2024, 24, 103319, DOI: 10.1016/j.rineng.2024.103319 (publication date: 2024.11.05.)

  • [99] Ma, T.; Kim, J.-S.; Jun, C.; Moon, Y.-I.; Moon, H. Optimizing Urban Flood Management: Enhancing Urban Drainage System Efficiency under Extreme Rainfall Events. J. Hydroinformatics. 2024, 26, 2704–2719, DOI: 10.2166/hydro.2024.067 (publication date: 2024.10.24.)

  • [98] Nasiri Khiavi, A.; Vafakhah, M.; Sadeghi, S.H.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Bateni, S.M. Comparative Effect of Traditional and Collaborative Watershed Management Approaches on Flood Components. J. Flood Risk Manag. 2024, e13037.103319, DOI: 10.1111/jfr3.13037 (publication date: 2024.10.22.) 

  • [97] Song, Y.; Na, W.; Jun, C.; Kim, S.Y. Comparative Analysis of Slope Stability Factors and a Hydrological Dataset for Landslide Assessment. Nat. Hazards. 2024, 1–16, DOI: 10.1007/s11069-024-06964-9 (publication date: 2024.10.16.) 

  • [96] Jun, C.; Kim, D.; Bateni, S.M.; Qasem, S.N.; Mansor, Z.; Band, S.S.; Parsadoust, F.; Choubin, B.; Pai, H.-T. Prediction of Earth-Fissure Hazards: Unraveling the Crucial Roles of Land Use and Groundwater Fluctuations. Environ. Impact Assess. Rev. 2025, 110, 107692, DOI: 10.1016/j.eiar.2024.107692 (publication date: 2024.10.16.)[95] Eini, N.; Janizadeh, S.; Bateni, S.M.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Kim, Y. Estimating Equilibrium Scour Depth around Non-Circular Bridge Piers Using Interpretable Hybrid Machine Learning Models. Ocean Eng. 2024, 312, 119246. DOI: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2024.119246 (publication date: 2024.09.18.)

  • [94] Park, K.; Jun, C.; Baik, J.; Kim, H.-J. Urban Canyon Design with Aspect Ratio and Street Tree Placement for Enhanced Thermal Comfort: A Comprehensive Thermal Comfort Assessment Accounting for Gender and Age in Seoul, Republic of Korea. Buildings 2024, 14, 2517. DOI: 10.3390/buildings14082517 (publication date: 2024.08.15.)

  • [93] Osmani, S.A.; Baik, J.; Narimani, R.; Kim, J.-S.; Jun, C. (corresponding author) Quantification of Interactions among Agricultural Drought Indices within Köppen–Geiger Climate Zones in Bangladesh. Agric. Water Manag. 2024, 302, 108952.313, 114359. DOI: 10.1016/j.agwat.2024.108952 (publication date: 2024.08.12.)

  • [92] Zhang, G.; Xu, T.; Yin, W.; Bateni, S. M.; Jun, C.; Kim, D.; Liu, S.; Xu, Z.; Ming W.; Wang J. A machine learning downscaling framework based on a physically constrained sliding window technique for improving resolution of global water storage anomaly. Remote Sens. Environ. 2024, 313, 114359. DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2024.114359 (publication date: 2024.08.10.)

  • [91] Byun, J.; Kim, H.-J.; Kang, N.; Yoon, J.; Hwang, S.; Jun, C. (corresponding author) Optimizing Temporal Weighting Functions to Improve Rainfall Prediction Accuracy in Merged Numerical Weather Prediction Models for the Korean Peninsula. Remote Sens. 2024, 16, 2904. DOI:10.3390/rs16162904 (publication date: 2024.08.08.)

  • [90] Janizadeh, S.; Tran, T.T.K.; Bateni, S.M.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Kim, D.; Trauernicht, C.; Heggy, E. Advancing the LightGBM Approach with Three Novel Nature-Inspired Optimizers for Predicting Wildfire Susceptibility in Kauaʻi and Molokaʻi Islands, Hawaii. Expert Syst. Appl. 2024, 124963. DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2024.124963 (publication date: 2024.08.05.)

  • [89] Osmani, S.A.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Baik, J.; Lee, J.; Narimani, R. Wavelet-Based Precipitation Preprocessing for Improved Drought Forecasting: A Machine Learning Approach Using Tunable Q-Factor Wavelet Transform and Maximum Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transform. Expert Syst. Appl. 2024, 124962. DOI:10.1016/j.eswa.2024.124962 (publication date: 2024.07.31.)

  • [88] Janizadeh, S.; Kim, D.; Jun, C.; Bateni, S.M.; Pandey, M.; Mishra, V.N. Impact of Climate Change on Future Flood Susceptibility Projections under Shared Socioeconomic Pathway Scenarios in South Asia Using Artificial Intelligence Algorithms. J. Environ. Manage. 2024, 366, 121764. DOI:10.1016/j.jenvman.2024.121764 (publication date: 2024.07.08.)

  • [87] Karbasi, M.; Ali, M.; Bateni, S.M.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Jamei, M.; Farooque, A.A.; Yaseen, Z.M. Multi-Step Ahead Forecasting of Electrical Conductivity in Rivers by Using a Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network-Long Short-Term Memory (CNN-LSTM) Model Enhanced by Boruta-XGBoost Feature Selection Algorithm. Sci. Rep. 2024, 14, 15051. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-65837-0 (publication date: 2024.07.01.)

  • [86] Hwang, S.; Jun, C.; De Michele, C.; Kim, H.-J.; Lee, J. Rainfall Observation Leveraging Raindrop Sounds Acquired Using Waterproof Enclosure: Exploring Optimal Length of Sounds for Frequency Analysis. Sensors 2024, 24, 4281. DOI: 10.3390/s24134281 (publication date: 2024.07.01.)

  • [85] He, X.; Liu, S.; Bateni, S.M.; Xu, T.; Jun, C.; Kim, D.; Li, X.; Song, L.; Zhao, L.; Xu, Z. Innovative Approach for Estimating Evapotranspiration and Gross Primary Productivity by Integrating Land Data Assimilation, Machine Learning, and Multi-Source Observations. Agric. For. Meteorol. 2024, 355, 110136. DOI:10.1016/j.agrformet.2024.110136 (publication date: 2024.06.27.)

  • [84] Lee, J.; Bateni, S.M.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Heggy, E.; Jamei, M.; Kim, D.; Ghafouri, H.R.; Deenik, J.L. Hybrid Machine Learning System Based on Multivariate Data Decomposition and Feature Selection for Improved Multitemporal Evapotranspiration Forecasting. Eng. Appl. Artif. Intell. 2024, 135, 108744. DOI:10.1016/j.engappai.2024.108744 (publication date: 2024.06.03.)

  • [83] Khosravi, K.; Farooque, A.A.; Bateni, S.M.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Mohammadi, D.; Kalantari, Z.; Cooper, J.R. Fluvial Bedload Transport Modelling: Advanced Ensemble Tree-Based Models or Optimized Deep Learning Algorithms? Eng. Appl. Comput. Fluid Mech. 2024, 18, 2346221. DOI:10.1080/19942060.2024.2346221 (publication date: 2024.05.10.)

  • [82] Oh, S.; Lee, J.; Baik, J.; Jun, C.; Lee, E.H. Morphometric Analysis Using Geographical Information System and the Relationship with Precipitation Quantiles of Major Dam Basins in South Korea. Water 2024, 16, 1053. DOI:10.3390/w16071053 (publication date: 2024.04.06.)

  • [81] Rather, A.F.; Ahmed, R.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Bateni, S.M.; Ahmed, P.; Mir, R.A. Understanding Glacial Lake Evolution and the Associated GLOF Hazard in the Shyok Catchment of the Upper Indus Basin Using Geospatial Techniques. Nat. Hazards Rev. 2024, 25, 4024014. DOI:10.1061/nhrefo.nheng-1988 (publication date: 2024.03.28.)

  • [80] Jun, C.; Narimani, R.; Yeh, P.J.-F.; Kim, S.Y.; Wu, C. Prediction of Evapotranspiration Variance in the Budyko Framework with the Incorporation of Soil Storage and Runoff. Sci. Total Environ. 2024, 925, 171839. DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.171839 (publication date: 2024.03.19.)

  • [79] Bordbar, M.; Heggy, E.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Bateni, S.M.; Kim, D.; Moghaddam, H.K.; Rezaie, F. Comparative Study for Coastal Aquifer Vulnerability Assessment Using Deep Learning and Metaheuristic Algorithms. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 2024, 31, 24235–24249. DOI:10.1007/s11356-024-32706-2 (publication date: 2024.03.04.)

  • [78] Kim, Y.; Kim, D.; Park, J.; Jun, C. An Effective Algorithm of Outlier Correction in Space–Time Radar Rainfall Data Based on the Iterative Localized Analysis. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 2024, 62, 1–16. DOI:10.1109/tgrs.2024.3366400 (publication date: 2024.02.15.)

  • [77] Jamei, M.; Ali, M.; Bateni, S.M.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Karbasi, M.; Malik, A.; Jamei, M.; Yaseen, Z.M. Short-Term Drought Index Forecasting for Hot and Semi-Humid Climate Regions: A Novel Empirical Fourier Decomposition-Based Ensemble Deep-Random Vector Functional Link Strategy. Comput. Electron. Agric. 2024, 217, 108609. DOI:10.1016/j.compag.2023.108609 (publication date: 2024.01.12.)

  • [76] Bordbar, M.; Rezaie, F.; Bateni, S.M.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Kim, D.; Busico, G.; Moghaddam, H.K.; Paryani, S.; Panahi, M.; Valipour, M. Global Review of Modification, Optimization, and Improvement Models for Aquifer Vulnerability Assessment in the Era of Climate Change. Curr. Clim. Chang. Reports 2023, 9, 45–67. DOI:10.1007/s40641-023-00192-2 (publication date: 2024.01.06.)

  • [75] Tran, T.T.K.; Janizadeh, S.; Bateni, S.M.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Kim, D.; Trauernicht, C.; Rezaie, F.; Giambelluca, T.W.; Panahi, M. Improving the Prediction of Wildfire Susceptibility on Hawaiʻi Island, Hawaiʻi, Using Explainable Hybrid Machine Learning Models. J. Environ. Manage. 2024, 351, 119724. DOI:10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.119724 (publication date: 2023.12.06.)

  • [74] Karbasi, M.; Ali, M.; Bateni, S.M.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Jamei, M.; Yaseen, Z.M. Boruta Extra Tree-Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Model Development for Pan Evaporation Forecasting: Investigation of Arid Climate Condition. Alexandria Eng. J. 2024, 86, 425–442. DOI:10.1016/j.aej.2023.11.061 (publication date: 2023.12.06.)

  • [73] Noori, R.; Woolway, R.I.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Bateni, S.M.; Naderian, D.; Partani, S.; Maghrebi, M.; Pulkkanen, M. Multi-Decadal Change in Summer Mean Water Temperature in Lake Konnevesi, Finland (1984–2021). Ecol. Inform. 2023, 78, 102331. DOI:10.1016/j.ecoinf.2023.102331 (publication date: 2023.10.10.)

  • [72] Valipour, M.; Khoshkam, H.; Bateni, S.M.; Jun, C. (corresponding author) Machine-Learning-Based Short-Term Forecasting of Daily Precipitation in Different Climate Regions across the Contiguous United States. Expert Syst. Appl. 2024, 238, 121907. DOI:10.1016/j.eswa.2023.121907 (publication date: 2023.10.02.)

  • [71] Cao, M.; Mao, K.; Bateni, S.M.; Jun, C.; Shi, J.; Du, Y.; Du, G. Granulation-Based LSTM-RF Combination Model for Hourly Sea Surface Temperature Prediction. Int. J. Digit. Earth 2023, 16, 3838–3859. DOI:10.1080/17538947.2023.2260779 (publication date: 2023.09.20.)

  • [70] Shafapourtehrany, M.; Rezaie, F.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Heggy, E.; Bateni, S.M.; Panahi, M.; Özener, H.; Shabani, F.; Moeini, H. Mapping Post-Earthquake Landslide Susceptibility Using U-Net, VGG-16, VGG-19, and Metaheuristic Algorithms. Remote Sens. 2023, 15, 4501. DOI:10.3390/rs15184501 (publication date: 2023.09.13.)

  • [69] Eini, N.; Bateni, S.M.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Heggy, E.; Band, S.S. Estimation and Interpretation of Equilibrium Scour Depth around Circular Bridge Piers by Using Optimized XGBoost and SHAP. Eng. Appl. Comput. Fluid Mech. 2023, 17, 2244558. DOI:10.1080/19942060.2023.2244558 (publication date: 2023.08.21.)

  • [68] Parisouj, P.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Bateni, S.M.; Heggy, E.; Band, S.S. Machine Learning Models Coupled with Empirical Mode Decomposition for Simulating Monthly and Yearly Streamflows: A Case Study of Three Watersheds in Ontario, Canada. Eng. Appl. Comput. Fluid Mech. 2023, 17, 2242445. DOI:10.1080/19942060.2023.2242445 (publication date: 2023.08.21.)

  • [67] Lee, J.; Moon, G.; Lee, J.; Jun, C.; Choi, J. Evaluation of Methods for Estimating Long-Term Flow Fluctuations Using Frequency Characteristics from Wavelet Analysis. Water 2023, 15, 2968. DOI:10.3390/w15162968 (publication date: 2023.08.17.)

  • [66] Salvati, A.; Moghaddam Nia, A.; Salajegheh, A.; Moradi, P.; Batmani, Y.; Najafi, S.; Shirzadi, A.; Shahabi, H.; Sheikh-Akbari, A.; Jun, C. Performance Improvement of the Linear Muskingum Flood Routing Model Using Optimization Algorithms and Data Assimilation Approaches. Nat. Hazards 2023, 118, 2657–2690. DOI:10.1007/s11069-023-06113-8 (publication date: 2023.08.03.)

  • [65] Na, W.; Jun, C.; Kim, S.Y. Influence of Rainfall Pattern on Wetness Index for Infinite Slope Stability Analysis. Water 2023, 15, 2535. DOI:10.3390/w15142535 (publication date: 2023.07.11.)

  • [64] Tran, T.T.K.; Bateni, S.M.; Rezaie, F.; Panahi, M.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Trauernicht, C.; Neale, C.M.U. Enhancing Predictive Ability of Optimized Group Method of Data Handling (GMDH) Method for Wildfire Susceptibility Mapping. Agric. For. Meteorol. 2023, 339, 109587. DOI:10.1016/j.agrformet.2023.109587 (publication date: 2023.07.04.)

  • [63] Rezaie, F.; Panahi, M.; Bateni, S.M.; Lee, S.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Trauernicht, C.; Neale, C.M.U. Development of Novel Optimized Deep Learning Algorithms for Wildfire Modeling: A Case Study of Maui, Hawai ‘I. Eng. Appl. Artif. Intell. 2023, 125, 106699. DOI:10.1016/j.engappai.2023.106699 (publication date: 2023.07.03.)

  • [62] Kim, D.; Lee, Y.O.; Jun, C.; Kang, S. Understanding the Way Machines Simulate Hydrological Processes—A Case Study of Predicting Fine-Scale Watershed Response on a Distributed Framework. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 2023, 61, 1–18. DOI:10.1109/tgrs.2023.3285540 (publication date: 2023.06.15.)

  • [61] Zhou, J.; Wang, D.; Band, S.S.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Bateni, S.M.; Moslehpour, M.; Pai, H.-T.; Hsu, C.-C.; Ameri, R. Monthly River Discharge Forecasting Using Hybrid Models Based on Extreme Gradient Boosting Coupled with Wavelet Theory and Lévy–Jaya Optimization Algorithm. Water Resour. Manag. 2023, 37, 3953–3972. DOI:10.1007/s11269-023-03534-9 (publication date: 2023.06.09.)

  • [60] Nasir, M.J.; Ahmad, W.; Jun, C.; Iqbal, J.; Bateni, S.M. Soil Erosion Susceptibility Assessment of Swat River Sub-Watersheds Using the Morphometry-Based Compound Factor Approach and GIS. Environ. Earth Sci. 2023, 82, 315. DOI:10.1007/s12665-023-10982-4 (publication date: 2023.06.07.)

  • [59] Riazi, M.; Khosravi, K.; Shahedi, K.; Ahmad, S.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Bateni, S.M.; Kazakis, N. Enhancing Flood Susceptibility Modeling Using Multi-Temporal SAR Images, CHIRPS Data, and Hybrid Machine Learning Algorithms. Sci. Total Environ. 2023, 871, 162066. DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162066 (publication date: 2023.05.31.)

  • [58] Lee, J.; Byun, J.; Baik, J.; Jun, C.; Kim, H.-J. Estimation of Raindrop Size Distribution and Rain Rate with Infrared Surveillance Camera in Dark Conditions. Atmos. Meas. Tech. 2023, 16, 707–725. DOI:10.5194/amt-16-707-2023 (publication date: 2023.05.19.)

  • [57] Parisouj, P.; Mohammadzadeh Khani, H.; Islam, M.F.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Bateni, S.M.; Kim, D. AI‐based Runoff Simulation Based on Remote Sensing Observations: A Case Study of Two River Basins in the United States and Canada. JAWRA J. Am. Water Resour. Assoc. 2023, 59, 299–316. DOI:10.1111/1752-1688.13098 (publication date: 2023.05.09.)

  • [56] Narimani, R.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); De Michele, C.; Gan, T.Y.; Nezhad, S.M.; Byun, J. Multilayer Perceptron-Based Predictive Model Using Wavelet Transform for the Reconstruction of Missing Rainfall Data. Stoch. Environ. Res. Risk Assess. 2023, 37, 2791–2802. DOI:10.1007/s00477-023-02471-8 (publication date: 2023.04.20.)

  • [55] Janizadeh, S.; Bateni, S.M.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Pal, S.C.; Band, S.S.; Chowdhuri, I.; Saha, A.; Tiefenbacher, J.P.; Mosavi, A. Potential Impacts of Future Climate on the Spatio-Temporal Variability of Landslide Susceptibility in Iran Using Machine Learning Algorithms and CMIP6 Climate-Change Scenarios. Gondwana Res. 2023, 124, 1–17. DOI:10.1016/ (publication date: 2023.04.16.)

  • [54] Janizadeh, S.; Bateni, S.M.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Im, J.; Pai, H.-T.; Band, S.S.; Mosavi, A. Combination Four Different Ensemble Algorithms with the Generalized Linear Model (GLM) for Predicting Forest Fire Susceptibility. Geomatics, Nat. Hazards Risk 2023, 14, 2206512. DOI:10.1080/19475705.2023.2206512 (publication date: 2023.04.13.)

  • [53] Jamei, M.; Ali, M.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Bateni, S.M.; Karbasi, M.; Farooque, A.A.; Yaseen, Z.M. Multi-Step Ahead Hourly Forecasting of Air Quality Indices in Australia: Application of an Optimal Time-Varying Decomposition-Based Ensemble Deep Learning Algorithm. Atmos. Pollut. Res. 2023, 14, 101752. DOI:10.1016/j.apr.2023.101752 (publication date: 2023.04.12.)

  • [52] Narimani, R.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Nezhad, S.M.; Bateni, S.M.; Lee, J.; Baik, J. The Role of Climate Conditions and Groundwater on Baseflow Separation in Urmia Lake Basin, Iran. J. Hydrol. Reg. Stud. 2023, 47, 101383. DOI:10.1016/j.ejrh.2023.101383 (publication date: 2023.04.03.)

  • [51] Valipour, M.; Khoshkam, H.; Bateni, S.M.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Band, S.S. Hybrid Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models for Multi-Step-Ahead Daily Reference Evapotranspiration Forecasting in Different Climate Regions across the Contiguous United States. Agric. Water Manag. 2023, 283, 108311. DOI:10.1016/j.agwat.2023.108311 (publication date: 2023.02.10.)

  • [50] Ghayur Sadigh, A.; Alesheikh, A.A.; Bateni, S.M.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Lee, S.; Nielson, J.R.; Panahi, M.; Rezaie, F. Comparison of Optimized Data-Driven Models for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping. Environ. Dev. Sustain. 2024, 26, 14665–14692. DOI:10.1007/s10668-023-03212-1 (publication date: 2023.02.08.)

  • [49] Byun, J.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Kim, J.; Cha, J.; Narimani, R. Deep Learning-Based Rainfall Prediction Using Cloud Image Analysis. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 2023, 61, 1–11. DOI:10.1109/tgrs.2023.3263872 (publication date: 2022.12.30.)

  • [48] Narimani, R.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Saedi, A.; Bateni, S.M.; Oh, J. A Multivariate Decomposition–Ensemble Model for Estimating Long-Term Rainfall Dynamics. Clim. Dyn. 2023, 61, 1625–1641. DOI:10.1007/s00382-022-06646-x (publication date: 2022.12.29.)

  • [47] Vosoughifar, H.; Khoshkam, H.; Bateni, S.M.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Xu, T.; Band, S.S.; Neale, C.M.U. Estimation of Daily Reference Evapotranspiration from Limited Climatic Variables in Coastal Regions. Hydrol. Sci. J. 2023, 68, 91–107. DOI:10.1080/02626667.2022.2142473 (publication date: 2022.12.05.)

  • [46] Noori, R.; Farahani, F.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Aradpour, S.; Bateni, S.M.; Ghazban, F.; Hosseinzadeh, M.; Maghrebi, M.; Naseh, M.R.V.; Abolfathi, S. A Non-Threshold Model to Estimate Carcinogenic Risk of Nitrate-Nitrite in Drinking Water. J. Clean. Prod. 2022, 363, 132432. DOI:10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.132432 (publication date: 2022.11.25.)

  • [45] Band, S.S.; Chandra Pal, S.; Bateni, S.M.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Saha, A.; Chowdhuri, I.; Tiefenbacher, J.P.; Janizadeh, S. Using Computational-Intelligence Algorithms and Remote Sensing Data to Optimize the Locations of Check Dams to Control Sediment and Runoff in Kandolus Watershed, Mazandaran, Iran. Geocarto Int. 2022, 37, 12966–12988. DOI:10.1080/10106049.2022.2076909 (publication date: 2022.11.17.)

  • [44] Rezaie-Balf, M.; Ghaemi, A.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); S. Band, S.; Bateni, S.M. Towards an Integrative, Spatially-Explicit Modeling for Flash Floods Susceptibility Mapping Based on Remote Sensing and Flood Inventory Data in Southern Caspian Sea Littoral, Iran. Geocarto Int. 2022, 37, 12638–12668. DOI:10.1080/10106049.2022.2071470 (publication date: 2022.11.16.)

  • [43] Zhang, G.; Bateni, S.M.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Khoshkam, H.; Band, S.S.; Mosavi, A. Feasibility of Random Forest and Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines for Predicting Long-Term Mean Monthly Dew Point Temperature. Front. Environ. Sci. 2022, 10, 826165. DOI:10.3389/fenvs.2022.826165 (publication date: 2022.11.16.)

  • [42] Chen, M.; Papadikis, K.; Jun, C.; Macdonald, N. Linear, Nonlinear, Parametric and Nonparametric Regression Models for Nonstationary Flood Frequency Analysis. J. Hydrol. 2023, 616, 128772. DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.128772 (publication date: 2022.07.25.)

  • [41] Du, B.; Mao, K.; Bateni, S.M.; Meng, F.; Wang, X.-M.; Guo, Z.; Jun, C.; Du, G. A Novel Fully Coupled Physical–Statistical–Deep Learning Method for Retrieving near-Surface Air Temperature from Multisource Data. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 5812. DOI:10.3390/rs14225812 (publication date: 2022.07.21.)

  • [40] Paryani, S.; Bordbar, M.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Panahi, M.; Bateni, S.M.; Neale, C.M.U.; Moeini, H.; Lee, S. Hybrid-Based Approaches for the Flood Susceptibility Prediction of Kermanshah Province, Iran. Nat. Hazards 2023, 116, 837–868. DOI:10.1007/s11069-022-05701-4 (publication date: 2022.06.16.)

  • [39] Osmani, S.A.; Kim, J.-S.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Sumon, M.W.; Baik, J.; Lee, J. Prediction of Monthly Dry Days with Machine Learning Algorithms: A Case Study in Northern Bangladesh. Sci. Rep. 2022, 12, 19717. DOI:10.1038/s41598-022-23436-x (publication date: 2022.06.15.)

  • [38] Parisouj, P.; Mokari, E.; Mohebzadeh, H.; Goharnejad, H.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Oh, J.; Bateni, S.M. Physics-Informed Data-Driven Model for Predicting Streamflow: A Case Study of the Voshmgir Basin, Iran. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 7464. DOI:10.3390/app12157464 (publication date: 2022.06.09.)

  • [37] Ghasemi, M.; Akbari, M.-A.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Bateni, S.M.; Zare, M.; Zahedi, A.; Pai, H.-T.; Band, S.S.; Moslehpour, M.; Chau, K.-W. Circulatory System Based Optimization (CSBO): An Expert Multilevel Biologically Inspired Meta-Heuristic Algorithm. Eng. Appl. Comput. Fluid Mech. 2022, 16, 1483–1525. DOI:10.1080/19942060.2022.2098826 (publication date: 2022.05.29.)

  • [36] Panahi, M.; Khosravi, K.; Golkarian, A.; Roostaei, M.; Barzegar, R.; Omidvar, E.; Rezaie, F.; Saco, P.M.; Sharifi, A.; Jun, C. A Country-Wide Assessment of Iran’s Land Subsidence Susceptibility Using Satellite-Based InSAR and Machine Learning. Geocarto Int. 2022, 37, 14065–14087. DOI:10.1080/10106049.2022.2086631 (publication date: 2022.05.25.)

  • [35] Rezaie, F.; Panahi, M.; Bateni, S.M.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Neale, C.M.U.; Lee, S. Novel Hybrid Models by Coupling Support Vector Regression (SVR) with Meta-Heuristic Algorithms (WOA and GWO) for Flood Susceptibility Mapping. Nat. Hazards 2022, 114, 1247–1283. DOI:10.1007/s11069-022-05424-6 (publication date: 2022.04.04.)

  • [34] Karami, H.; DadrasAjirlou, Y.; Jun, C.; Bateni, S.M.; Band, S.S.; Mosavi, A.; Moslehpour, M.; Chau, K.-W. A Novel Approach for Estimation of Sediment Load in Dam Reservoir with Hybrid Intelligent Algorithms. Front. Environ. Sci. 2022, 10, 821079. DOI:10.3389/fenvs.2022.821079 (publication date: 2022.03.22.)

  • [33] Ghiasi, B.; Noori, R.; Sheikhian, H.; Zeynolabedin, A.; Sun, Y.; Jun, C.; Hamouda, M.; Bateni, S.M.; Abolfathi, S. Uncertainty Quantification of Granular Computing-Neural Network Model for Prediction of Pollutant Longitudinal Dispersion Coefficient in Aquatic Streams. Sci. Rep. 2022, 12, 4610. DOI:10.1038/s41598-022-08417-4 (publication date: 2022.03.17.)

  • [32] Narimani, R.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Shahzad, S.; Oh, J.; Park, K. Application of a Novel Hybrid Method for Flood Susceptibility Mapping with Satellite Images: A Case Study of Seoul, Korea. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 2786. DOI:10.3390/rs13142786 (publication date: 2022.01.15.)

  • [31] Yoo, C.; Doan, H.P.; Jun, C.; Na, W. Hillslope Contribution to the Clark Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph: Application to the Seolmacheon Basin, Korea. Water 2021, 13, 1707. DOI:10.3390/w13121707 (publication date: 2022.01.12.)

  • [30] Valipour, M.; Bateni, S.M.; Jun, C. (corresponding author) Global Surface Temperature: A New Insight. Climate 2021, 9, 81. DOI:10.3390/cli9050081 (publication date: 2021.12.22.)

  • [29] Chen, M.; Papadikis, K.; Jun, C. An Investigation on the Non-Stationarity of Flood Frequency across the UK. J. Hydrol. 2021, 597, 126309. DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126309 (publication date: 2021.12.08.)

  • [28] Yoo, C.; Jun, C.; Zhu, J.; Na, W. Evaluation of Dam Water-Supply Capacity in Korea Using the Water-Shortage Index. Water 2021, 13, 956. DOI:10.3390/w13070956 (publication date: 2021.12.03.)

  • [27] Chen, C.; Seo, H.; Jun, C.; Zhao, Y. Pavement Crack Detection and Classification Based on Fusion Feature of LBP and PCA with SVM. Int. J. Pavement Eng. 2022, 23, 3274–3283. DOI:10.1080/10298436.2021.1888092 (publication date: 2021.10.13.)

  • [26] Jun, C.; Yoo, C. Relative Roles of Time–Area Curve and Storage Coefficient on the Shape of Clark’s Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph: Analytical Approach. J. Hydrol. Eng. 2021, 26, 6021001. DOI:10.1061/(asce)he.1943-5584.0002058 (publication date: 2021.09.27.)

  • [25] Zhang, Y.; Zhao, W.; Chen, X.; Jun, C.; Hao, J.; Tang, X.; Zhai, J. Assessment on the Effectiveness of Urban Stormwater Management. Water 2020, 13, 4. DOI:10.3390/w13010004 (publication date: 2021.08.01.)

  • [24] Choi, J.-H.; Jun, C.; Liu, P.; Kim, J.-S.; Moon, Y.-I. Resolving Emerging Issues with Aging Dams under Climate Change Projections. J. Water Resour. Plan. Manag. 2020, 146, 4020025. DOI:10.1061/(asce)wr.1943-5452.0001204 (publication date: 2021.07.15.)

  • [23] Jun, C.; Qin, X.; Tung, Y.; De Michele, C. On the Statistical Analysis of Rainstorm Events between Historical (1777–1907) and Modern (1961–2010) Periods in Seoul, Korea. Int. J. Climatol. 2020, 40, 2078–2090. DOI:10.1002/joc.6319 (publication date: 2021.06.18.)

  • [22] Chen, C.; Seo, H.; Jun, C.; Zhao, Y. A Potential Crack Region Method to Detect Crack Using Image Processing of Multiple Thresholding. Signal, Image Video Process. 2022, 16, 1673–1681. DOI:10.1007/s11760-021-02123-w (publication date: 2021.05.12.)

  • [21] Jun, C.; Qin, X.; Tung, Y.-K.; De Michele, C. Storm Event-Based Frequency Analysis Method. Hydrol. Res. 2018, 49, 700–710. DOI:10.2166/nh.2017.175 (publication date: 2021.04.11.)

  • [20] Yoo, C.; Park, M.; Kim, H.J.; Jun, C. Comparison of Annual Maximum Rainfall Events of Modern Rain Gauge Data (1961–2010) and Chukwooki Data (1777–1910) in Seoul, Korea. J. Water Clim. Chang. 2018, 9, 58–73. DOI:10.2166/wcc.2017.110 (publication date: 2021.03.30.)

  • [19] Lu, W.; Jun, C.; Qin, X.S. A Parsimonious Framework of Evaluating WSUD Features in Urban Flood Mitigation. 2017. J. Environ. Inform. DOI:10.3808/jei.201700373 (publication date: 2021.03.23.)

  • [18] Chen, C.; Zhang, Q.; Kashani, M.H.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Bateni, S.M.; Band, S.S.; Dash, S.S.; Chau, K.-W. Forecast of Rainfall Distribution Based on Fixed Sliding Window Long Short-Term Memory. Eng. Appl. Comput. Fluid Mech. 2022, 16, 248–261. DOI:10.1080/19942060.2021.2009374 (publication date: 2021.01.05.)

  • [17] Band, S.S.; Ardabili, S.; Mosavi, A.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Khoshkam, H.; Moslehpour, M. Feasibility of Soft Computing Techniques for Estimating the Long-Term Mean Monthly Wind Speed. Energy Reports 2022, 8, 638–648. DOI:10.1016/j.egyr.2021.11.247 (publication date: 2020.12.22.)

  • [16] Kim, S.Y.; Na, W.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Seo, H.; Kim, Y. Hydrological Performance of Green Roof Systems: A Numerical Investigation. Front. Environ. Sci. 2021, 9, 806697. DOI:10.3389/fenvs.2021.806697 (publication date: 2020.03.10.)

  • [15] Zhang, G.; Band, S.S.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); Bateni, S.M.; Chuang, H.-M.; Turabieh, H.; Mafarja, M.; Mosavi, A.; Moslehpour, M. Solar Radiation Estimation in Different Climates with Meteorological Variables Using Bayesian Model Averaging and New Soft Computing Models. Energy Reports 2021, 7, 8973–8996. DOI:10.1016/j.egyr.2021.10.117 (publication date: 2019.10.01.)

  • [14] Zhang, Y.; Wu, C.; Yeh, P.J.-F.; Li, J.; Hu, B.X.; Feng, P.; Jun, C. Evaluation and Comparison of Precipitation Estimates and Hydrologic Utility of CHIRPS, TRMM 3B42 V7 and PERSIANN-CDR Products in Various Climate Regimes. Atmos. Res. 2022, 265, 105881. DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2021.105881 (publication date: 2017.11.09.)

  • [13] Jun, C.; Qin, X.; Chen, M.; Seo, H. Investigating Event-Based Temporal Patterns of Design Rainfall in a Tropical Region. Hydrol. Sci. J. 2021, 66, 1986–1996. DOI:10.1080/02626667.2021.1967958 (publication date: 2017.10.06.)

  • [12] Wu, D.; Jun, C.; Kim, J.; Xiong, L.; Chen, J. Poleward Migration of Tropical Cyclones and Its Related Typological Characteristics of Seasonal Maximum Precipitation in China. Int. J. Climatol. 2022, 42, 1660–1669. DOI:10.1002/joc.7326 (publication date: 2017.09.30.)

  • [11] Jun, C.; Qin, X.; Gan, T.Y.; Tung, Y.K.; De Michele, C. Bivariate Frequency Analysis of Rainfall Intensity and Duration for Urban Stormwater Infrastructure Design. J. Hydrol. 2017, 553, 374–383, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.08.004. DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.08.004 (publication date: 2017.08.16.)

  • [10] Yoo, C.; Jun, C. (corresponding author) Broken-Line Model of Dam Storage and Evaluation of Water Supply Safety Using a Bivariate Frequency Analysis. J. Water Resour. Plan. Manag. 2017, 143, 5017011. DOI:10.1061/(asce)wr.1943-5452.0000829 (publication date: 2017.07.27.)

  • [9] Yoo, C.; Jun, C. (corresponding author); De Michele, C.; Lee, M. Storage Coefficient of Merged Subbasins. J. Hydrol. Eng. 2017, 22, 6017003. DOI:10.1061/(asce)he.1943-5584.0001524 (publication date: 2017.04.08.)

  • [8] Yoo, C.; Jun, C.; Lee, J. Storage Effect of Dam Reservoirs: Evaluation of Three Nonlinear Reservoir Models. Water Sci. Technol. Water Supply 2017, 17, 1436–1446. DOI:10.2166/ws.2017.008 (publication date: 2017.03.25.)

  • [7] Park, M.; Yoo, C.; Jun, C. Consideration of Documentary Records in the Annals of the Choson Dynasty for the Frequency Analysis of Rainfall in Seoul, Korea. Meteorol. Appl. 2017, 24, 31–42. DOI:10.1002/met.1602 (publication date: 2017.01.06.)

  • [6] Yoo, C.; Ku, J.M.; Jun, C.; Zhu, J.H. Simulation of Infiltration Facilities Using the SEEP/W Model and Quantification of Flood Runoff Reduction Effect by the Decrease in CN. Water Sci. Technol. 2016, 74, 118–129. DOI:10.2166/wst.2016.189 (publication date: 2016.04.16.)

  • [5] Yoo, C.; Park, C.; Jun, C. (corresponding author) Evaluation of the Concept of Critical Rainfall Duration by Bivariate Frequency Analysis of Annual Maximum Independent Rainfall Event Series in Seoul, Korea. J. Hydrol. Eng. 2016, 21, 5015016. DOI:10.1061/(asce)he.1943-5584.0001259 (publication date: 2015.07.13.)

  • [4] Yoo, C.; Jun, C.; Park, C. Effect of Rainfall Temporal Distribution on the Conversion Factor to Convert the Fixed-Interval into True-Interval Rainfall. J. Hydrol. Eng. 2015, 20, 4015018. DOI:10.1061/(asce)he.1943-5584.0001178 (publication date: 2015.02.20.)

  • [3] Yoo, C.; Park, M.; Kim, H.J.; Choi, J.; Sin, J.; Jun, C. Classification and Evaluation of the Documentary-Recorded Storm Events in the Annals of the Choson Dynasty (1392–1910), Korea. J. Hydrol. 2015, 520, 387–396. DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.11.023 (publication date: 2014.11.15.)

  • [2] Park, M.; Yoo, C.; Kim, H.; Jun, C. Bivariate Frequency Analysis of Annual Maximum Rainfall Event Series in Seoul, Korea. J. Hydrol. Eng. 2014, 19, 1080–1088. DOI:10.1061/(asce)he.1943-5584.0000891 (publication date: 2013.08.05.)

  • [1] Yoo, C.; Lee, J.; Park, C.; Jun, C. (corresponding author) Method for Estimating Concentration Time and Storage Coefficient of the Clark Model Using Rainfall-Runoff Measurements. J. Hydrol. Eng. 2014, 19, 626–634. DOI:10.1061/(asce)he.1943-5584.0000828 (publication date: 2013.04.05.)

Journal Paper (Korean)

  • [16] Park, K.; Jun, C.; Oh, J. Development of a methodology for selecting wastewater heat energy supply: Focusing on the gross floor area of potential demand. J. Korea Soc. Waste Manag. 2024, 38, 265–276.2024, 312, 119246, DOI: 10.11001/jksww.2024.38.5.265 (publication date: 2024.10.01.)

  • [15] Cha, H.; Lee, J.; Jun, C.; Byun, J.; Baik, J. A Comprehensive Analysis of Temporal Characteristics in Independent Rainstorm Events in Seoul: Focusing on Changes in Unit Time and Secondary Peak Constant. J. Korea Water Resour. Assoc. 2023, 56(11), 785-799, DOI: 10.3741/JKWRA.2023.56.11.785 (publication date: 2023.11.30.)

  • [14] Byun, J.; Jun, C.; Kim, H-J.; Lee, J.J.; Park, H.; Lee, J. Rainfall Image DB Construction for Rainfall Intensity Estimation from CCTV Videos: Focusing on Experimental Data in a Climatic Environment Chamber. J. Korea Water Resour. Assoc. 2023, 56(6), 403-417, DOI: 10.3741/JKWRA.2023.56.6.403 (publication date: 2023.06.30.)

  • [13] Cha, H.; Jun, C.; Lee, J.; Baik, J. Evaluation of Air Quality Monitoring Networks in Korea: Focusing on Wind Direction and Speed. J. Korean Soc. Hazard Mitig. 2023, 23(2), 1-13, DOI: 10.9798/KOSHAM.2023.23.2.1 (publication date: 2023.04.27.)

  • [12] Moon, K.; Jeong, Y.; Jun, C.; Joo, J.; Yoo, D. Cluster Analysis of Drought Damage to Local Governments Across the Country Using the National Drought Information Statistics. J. Korean Soc. Hazard Mitig. 2022, 22(6), 293-300, DOI: 10.9798/KOSHAM.2022.22.6.293 (publication date: 2022.12.23.)

  • [11] Baik, J.; Park, J.; Jun, C.; Lee, J. Adequacy of the GK-2A AMI Land Surface Temperature Product According to Geographic Factors and Compared with Other Satellite Products (MODIS and S-VIRRS). J. Korean Soc. Hazard Mitig. 2022, 22(3), 15-23, DOI: 10.9798/KOSHAM.2022.22.3.15 (publication date: 2022.06.30.)

  • [10] Lee, J.; Jun, C.; Kim, H.; Byun, J.; Baik, J. Estimation of Grid-type Precipitation Quantile Using Satellite based Re-analysis Precipitation Data in Korean Peninsula. J. Korea Water Resour. Assoc. 2022, 55(6), 447-459, DOI: 10.3741/JKWRA.2022.55.6.447 (publication date: 2022.06.30.)

  • [9] Lee, J.; Byun, J.; Hwang, S.; Jun, C.; Baik, J. Spatiotemporal Analysis of Variability in Domestic PM 10 Data Using Grid Based Spatial Interpolation Method, J. Korean Soc. Hazard Mitig. 2022, 22(1), 7-19, DOI: 10.9798/KOSHAM.2022.22.1.7 (publication date: 2022.02.28.)

  • [8] Lee, J-H.; Park, K-H.; Jun, C.; Oh, J. Risk Assessment for Inland Flooding in a Small Urban Catchment: Focusing on the Temporal Distribution of Rainfall and Dual Drainage Model. Journal of Korean Society of Water & Wastewater. 2021, 35(6), 389-403, DOI: 10.11001/jksww.2021.35.6.389 (publication date: 2021.12.15.)

  • [7] Jun, C.; Yoo, C.; Zhu, J.H.; Lee, G-M. Bivariate Frequency Analysis of Dam Storage Capacity before and after the Rainy Season and Evaluation on Water Supply Capacity. J. Korea Water Resour. Assoc. 2014, 47(12), 1199-1212, DOI: 10.3741/JKWRA.2014.47.12.1199 (publication date: 2014.12.31.)

  • [6] Yoo, C.; Sin, J.; Jun, C. (corresponding author) Parameter Decision of Muskingum Channel Routing Method based on the Linear System Assumption. J. Korea Water Resour. Assoc. 2013, 46(5), 449-463, DOI: 10.3741/JKWRA.2013.46.5.449 (publication date: 2013.05.31.)

  • [5] Jun, C.; Yoo. C. Analysis on the Characteristics about Representative Temporal-distribution of Rainfall in the Annual Maximum Independent Rainfall Events at Seoul using Beta Distribution. J. Korea Water Resour. Assoc. 2013, 46(4), 361-372, DOI: 10.3741/JKWRA.2013.46.4.361 (publication date: 2013.04.30.)

  • [4] Park, C.; Yoo, C.; Jun, C. (corresponding author) Bivariate Rainfall Frequency Analysis and Rainfall-runoff Analysis for Independent Rainfall Events. J. Korea Water Resour. Assoc. 2012, 45(7), 713-727, DOI: 10.3741/JKWRA.2012.45.7.713 (publication date: 2012.07.31.)

  • [3] Jun, C.; Yoo, C. Application of the Beta Distribution for the Temporal Quantification of Storm Events. J. Korea Water Resour. Assoc. 2012, 45(6), 531-544, DOI: 10.3741/JKWRA.2012.45.6.531 (publication date: 2012.06.30.)

  • [2] Yoo, C.; Jun, C. Improvement of Weiss Model on the Conversion Factor of Fixed- to True-interval Rainfall. J. Civ. Eng. 2011, 31(4B), 315-322, DOI: 10.12652/Ksce.2011.31.4B.315 (publication date: 2011.08.31.)

  • [1] Yoo, C.; Jun, C. (corresponding author) Evaluation of Reservoir Storage Effect using Non-linear Reservoir Model. J. Korea Water Resour. Assoc. 2011, 44(5), 407-416, DOI: 10.3741/JKWRA.2011.44.5.407 (publication date: 2011.05.31.)

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