Mr. Kihong Park
Ph.D. Student
His previous research focused on the spatial and economic analysis of wastewater treatment plants, specifically the application of wastewater heat. Also, he has conducted research on the assessment of urban flood risk and the evaluation of thermal comfort as a function of urban aspect ratio and vegetation. His research interests include hydrology, microclimate, and disasters in urban areas. His PhD research focuses on risk analysis of urban complex disasters, linking these areas of interest.

Sep. 2024 – Present
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Course, Korea University
Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
Major: Water & Ecosystems (under supervision of Prof. Changhyun Jun)
Mar. 2023 – Aug. 2024
(dropout & transfer) / Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Course, Chung-Ang University
Department of Civil Engineering
Major: Water Resources and Coastal Engineering (under supervision of Prof. Changhyun Jun)
Mar. 2021 – Feb. 2023
Master of Engineering (M.E.), Chung-Ang University
Department of Civil Engineering
Major: Water Resources and Coastal Engineering (under supervision of Prof. Changhyun Jun)
Title of M.E. Thesis: The evaluation and prioritization of wastewater treatment plant for applying of wastewater heat based on geospatial information and approximate construction cost
Mar. 2015 – Feb. 2021
Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Chung-Ang University
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Urban Design and Studies, College of Engineering